I learned a new word today "Brewtine" (instead of routine!) I was excited, stuff like that makes me feel like I'm a real "member of the club" in the beer world. If anyone asks you though, you got that shit from me, I made it up!
Today was pretty uneventful at work again today. Filling party pigs was the morning activity. I took great notes in my notebook, hopefully next time I will be able to do it on my own!
The afternoon was keg cleaning... again! I actually had a good time. It is a monotonous activity, but it is relaxing and a good de-stresser. During my keg cleaning Steve tossed me a small cardboard box and said, "Here you go, now you are finally somebody!" I GOT BUSINESS CARDS!!! I'M FINALLY SOMEBODY!!! In the future I hope to be able to represent the brewery on my own and sell some beer. That would be a good step for me to start learning the ropes of selling on my own.
Before I left, Steve and I got together and planned out our brew-edule (doesn't work for schedule like brewtine does for routine). Turns out we are brewing 2 days this week, transferring and kegging on friday, and then brewing 4 days next week! In the middle of next week we are also kegging the Bourbon Aged Oatmeal Stout! Yum Yum Yum! I wonder if I should get a growler of that and send it to the boys back home....?
Also, I got to take home my first partial keg tonight! I was planning on watching the MLB All-star game (on FOX)... check this out... we have DishNetwork with like 1,000 channels and WE DON'T GET FUCKING FOX. So Kelly and I cancelled the invite to our friends and have a fricken partial keg to drink on our own! Wow, life is a bitch.
I'd like to give a shoutout to A Maciej and Dave Matthews Band, I'm listening to DMB right now while Kelly is watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I can't type with TV on, its distracting. A Mac is the one who introduced me to the new DMB album, thanks!
Cheers, Prosit, and Skoal!

mmmm..... partial keg!
Brewtine, I love it. I like to think I coined the term "Fe"brew"ary. I've never heard it used anywhere else, but I have to think someone else has thought of it in the last 5000 years. At any rate, my wife and I always celebrate the second month of the year with great beer. What the heck else is there to do in Minnesota in February?!?!